- Kit

Indoor Discount presents Nova Max, a powerful fertilizer for indoor and outdoor plants
No need to look any further, Nova Max fertilizer is formidable for competition.
It allows easy and economical cultivation, ideal for amateurs or professionals. With Nova Max mineral fertilizer, you will obtain strong and resistant plants, with healthy and productive development phases. The unique formula, highly purified, allows you to obtain amazing results, with a choice of substrates for cultivation such as coconut fiber or soil.
Also ideal for hydroponic systems. Nova Max fertilizer has a patented technology, with a rich and complete composition. Contains pure additives, with Nova Max, no need to add Calmag or trace elements to obtain beautiful crops. It is very easy to use and economical, because you will only need 2 bottles, growth and flowering.
Allows a good development of the root mass.
To know :
Respect the dosages.