Anti Aphids - Solabiol
Anti Aphids - Solabiol
Anti Aphids - Solabiol
Anti Aphids - Solabiol

Anti Aphids - Solabiol

Indoor Discountoffers you the insecticide against aphids

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  • Anti aphid ready to use - Solabiol 750ml

    Anti aphids preventive and curative
    It can be used in organic farming and allows an elimination of aphids in crops.
    Acts effectively against eggs, larvae and adult aphids.
    Ideal for a fight in greenhouse, outside, inside culture, in balcony, in pot or in full ground. Trees, fruits, green plants, vegetables, flowers etc..

    Spraying at 30cm from the subject.

    Use phytosanitary products with great caution.

    ABAMECTIN 0,015 G/L COLZA OIL 0,045 G/L - Nativert AMM n° 2170978 - EUH401

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