La ferme sainte marthe

Ligurian Tomato - 50 seeds - AB - La ferme Sainte Marthe

Indoor Discount offers you quality seeds, carefully selected to guarantee rapid germination and vigorous plants

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    Discover Italian authenticity with our Liguria tomato seeds. Native to the Liguria region of Italy, this tomato variety is renowned for its delicate flavor and juicy flesh. Liguria tomatoes are medium-sized, with a slightly flattened shape and a bright red color. They're perfect for versatile use in the kitchen, whether preparing sauces, salads, preserves or enjoyed freshly sliced. Grown with care, these seeds produce vigorous, productive plants, giving you an abundance of tasty tomatoes all summer long.

    Organically grown (AB)

    Good to know :

    Sowing: February / April
    Harvest: July / September

    The Liguria tomato is a red, ribbed Italian variety, weighing around 200g. Highly productive and disease-resistant, it has few seeds and excellent flavor, ideal for coulis and sauces.

    To sow Liguria tomatoes, start from February to April on a warm bed (20°C) or in pots indoors or in a heated greenhouse, in fine sowing compost. Bury the seeds at 1 cm and cover with potting soil. Keep the potting soil moist with a sprayer, without soaking it, and place the terrine near a window for good light. Transplant plants 12 to 15 cm high after the frosts, in rich, loose soil, with 70 cm between rows and 50 cm between rows, in a sunny position. Stake the plants before planting, and water them abundantly at the base once a week to prevent disease.

    When it comes to removing suckers, there are no hard and fast rules. Pruning to remove suckers can increase fruit size and earliness and make harvesting easier, but it is time-consuming and can cause wounds to the plants. Use maerl or green clay to help the wounds heal. Another method is not to prune at all, requiring more space (1 m between each plant) with smaller but more numerous fruits. A third option is to lead the plants on two strands, pinching the base 20 cm from the ground and keeping the two lateral strands, then removing all the gourmands.

    Tomatoes can be harvested 4 to 5 months after sowing. The main enemies of tomatoes are mildew and apical necrosis. To prevent mildew, protect plants from frequent rainfall and treat with Bordeaux mixture. Blossom end necrosis is caused by calcium deficiency or irregular watering. Water regularly and abundantly once a week.


    - Height: 90 cm
    - Color: Red
    - Life cycle: Annual
    - Type: Reproducible seeds
    - Plant habit: Indeterminate
    - Soil: All types of soil
    - Germination temperature: 20 to 25 °C
    - Sowing depth: Equal to seed size
    - Sowing technique: In pots
    - Sowing container: Cup
    - Watering frequency: Moderate / Daily
    - Exposure: Sun
    - Foliage: Deciduous
    - Hardiness: Frosty
    - Planting: In the ground
    - Spacing: 70 cm
    - Seed emergence: 7 to 10 days

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