- Pack

Indoor Discount you present the starter pack Pachamama starter.
Indoor Discount presents a Starter Pack from Vaalseerberg, pack of high-quality fertilizers and additives for soil cultivation.
Ce pack Vaalserberg is designed for growing all types of plants in soil.
The pack contains PachaMama fertilizers from Vaalserberg.
These high quality fertilizers and additives can be used from the beginning of growth until the end of flowering. all the fertilizers in this pack will provide your plants with all the nutrients they need to produce fruits and vegetables in abundance, full of flavor and vitality!
Save money on your crops with Indoor Discount !
Visit pack is ideal for beginners and professionals alike.
Mamaquilla 100ml
PachaMama Grow 500ml
PachaMama Bloom in 1L
PachaMama Booster 100ml
PachaMama Element 5 30ml
Sugar Babe 250ml