Dutch Formula Grow 500ml , growth fertilizer , hydro-earth-coco
Indoor Dicount presents its Dutch Formula Grow 500ml.
Available in 500ml, 1L, 5L, 10L.
Data sheet
Packaging500 ml
ApplicationHydroponique, Terre, Coco, Laine de roche
Dutch FormulaGrow is a high quality fertilizer formula of 3 components (Grow, Bloom and Micro) highly concentrated and can be used on any type of substrate.
The three components Grow , Bloom and Micro are inseparable and can be adjusted according to the plant being cultivated. Their measurements can each evolve independently.
Bottle of 500ml for the growth of compound sorting.
Packaging500 ml
ApplicationHydroponique, Terre, Coco, Laine de roche
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