DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster
DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster

DLI LMA-15 adapter for Hydro-X - lighting control - Trolmaster

Indoor Discountintroduces the DLI LMA-15 adapter for ideal lighting control

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Data sheet

  • Eco-participation in euros
  • DLI LMA-15 Lighting Control Adapter for Hydro-X

    Take control of your DLI lighting with your Hydro-X

    TrolMaster has developed the Hydro-X system, which is compatible with most of the DLI fixtures available on the market. Luminaire manufacturers usually offer a low voltage control option to regulate their lighting systems. This control can adopt different communication protocols. TrolMaster offers several types of lighting adapters (LMA units) that allow the Hydro-x to control lighting using this low voltage control option.

    Specifically, the LMA-15 adapter is designed to work with systems equipped with DLI. This model offers dual channel control, allowing separate regulation of full spectrum and infrared output levels.

    • Eco-participation in euros
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