
Aeroponic cultivation

Here we propose to give you a more in-depth look at aeroponics. As we have seen in the page dedicated to hydroponics, aeroponics cultivation does not need any substrate at all in order to spray the nutrient solution directly onto the roots. This solution is considered to be the technique with the highest yield

>>> Page: Introduction to hydroponics

What is aeroponics?

If today the term aeroponics seems to be used by all horticulturists, the term is not quite correct. Indeed, when we speak of aeroponics, we are implying very fine spray irrigation that mixes with air. The reality is a little more complex, we are talking about removing the substrate but the roots are irrigated with small sprayers similar to those available in hydroponics. In this respect, aeroponics can be described more like super hydroponics

The advantages of aeroponics

Above all, aeroponics stands out by the efficiency with which it helps plants build a dense root system, which will significantly increase nutrient assimilation. This is why it is commonly accepted that aeroponics offers (potentially) the best yield. However, it should be kept in mind that this is a practice that requires good control of the environmental conditions that affect your crop. In aeroponics, your plants are more fragile and more sensitive to temperature variations. We therefore advise you to learn all the basics of indoor growing before you start.

What equipment should I choose for aeroponic cultivation?

Indoor Discount offers you a very complete catalogue of products that will allow you to start growing aeroponics at a lower cost.

Also, whether you need spare parts such as tanks, pumps, timers, nozzles or sprayers, everything is available to you if you feel like tinkering with your own hydroponic / aeroponic system.

But, of course, you can also choose to opt for a ready-to-use system. Here again, you have several choices:

  • The Aeroflo range from GHE is the high-end reference for aeroponic systems. NASA has made no mistake in using it for its research in space.

>>> Discover the Aeroflo range

  • The Amazon range of Nutriculture stands out for its small systems that will fit very well in a small space. It will also be very easy for you to multiply the plants of your crop by changing the aero plate.

>>> Discover the Amazon range

  • Platinium Hydroponics offers you to start in hydroponics and then switch quickly and easily to aeroponics thanks to its Modular range. Thus, the hydroponic system with hydropro drip clay beads can be easily converted to aeropro simply by adding 1 or 4 hole ABS aerobic growing plates. Totally reversible operation to return to the hydro.

>>> Discover aeropro

>>> Discover the spare parts : Piping and aeropole plate for Hydropro

  • Hydroponics is in constant evolution, Indoor Discount offers you the ultimate in aeroponics with the Pyramid, named best hydroponics innovation 2014. Reserved for the seasoned grower.

>>> Discover the Pyramid

Finally, it is worth remembering, once again, that a rigorous control of your water will make all the difference between a successful and a failed crop. That's why there's a whole bunch of accessories to help you check the condition of your nutrient solution.

  • For pH control, don't hesitate to invest in a waterproof controller

>>> Discover the pH pen Platinium Instrument

  • To check that your nutrient solution is not too saturated with fertilizer, remember to equip yourself with an EC controller

>>> Discover the EC pen Platinium Instrument

  • You should know that there are devices that allow you to couple EC and pH measurements

>>> Discover the pH-EC-T°C combo meter

  • Finally, in order to start on the best bases, GrowMax Water offers you Osmoseurs and filters to purify your water as much as possible and thus facilitate its absorption by your plants.

>>> Discover the brand GrowMax Water.

Now that you have the basics, all you have to do is get started! For more information, we advise you the beginner's guide initiation to hydroponics or the very complete Hydroponics for all which will make you the master of hydroponics!