Indoor Discount offers you its colossal range ofgrow cabinets, also known as grow rooms.
Available mainly in flexible versions, grow room cabinets are like horticultural tents, easy to move, quick to assemble and dismantle at your convenience.
Several brands specialize in the manufacture of grow room cabinets and are recognized for their quality and technical specifications:
Considered the benchmark in Europe and specifically designed for this purpose, these grow cabinets will satisfy every modern grower, every grower and every budget.
Ingenious, most of the grow cabinets distributed by Indoor Discount are equipped with highly reflective coatings(Mylar), retractable air intake and extraction socks, transverse support bars (for hanging grow lights and charcoal filters), floor-mounted watertight covers and resealable cable channels.

Why choose a grow cabinet?
From the outset, grow cabinets provide their users with the kind of darkness that is essential for indoor growing.
In other words, grow cabinets ensure a photoperiod that is exemplary for the development of plants.
In fact, if the plants occupying the grow cabinet benefit from pre-determined light cycles, it's a good idea to use a grow cabinetcisif the plants in the grow cabinet are given the right light cycles,horticultural lighting on/off times and night-time periods, they will be able to reach their full potential and achieve optimum productivity.
In fact, plants need regular, well-maintained periods of total darkness, as during this essential period, the canopy, the plant mass, loses activity to the benefit of root growth.
In addition to the fact that grow cabinets selected by Indoor Discount offer undeniable modularity, they are also easy to maintain and practical to care for, since they are completely washable.
This hygienic measure must be rigorously carried out at the end of each growing cycle, or every 3 to 4 months of use.
This is why Indoor Discount indoor grow cabinets are the (most) effective way to prevent the growth of molds and the invasion of pests: cleanliness.
Finally, as they take on the major characteristics of traditional outdoor greenhouses, indoor grow cabinets make it easier to control horticultural ventilation and climate management.
What are the different uses of a grow cabinet?
Extremely variable in terms of finishes and dimensions, the grow cabinets offered by Indoor Discount
First and foremost, a grow cabinet is a horticultural space for the growth and flowering (or fruiting) of plants.
However, in order to create an uninterrupted, successive and rapid cycle of plant growth and flowering, it may be advisable to set up a growing area and a separate area dedicated exclusively to flowering/fruiting, if the grower wishes to achieve optimized productivity.
This is why certain (limited) sizes of grow cabinets or grow rooms are reserved for the growing phases of plants, due to their limited height (between 60 cm and 90 cm high).
Accompanied by suitable grow lights, these growing spaces can be used as nurseries for seedlings and cuttings in the rooting and vegetative phases, as well as for mother plants.
On the other hand, larger growing cabinets (available up to 18 square meters, such as the Grow-Tent Silver 600 x 300 x 220 cm) are ideal for larger flowering areas.
With Indoor Discountmake hydroponics rhyme with economy!