What is hemp? Discover hemp and its benefits.

Hemp is in vogue
Hemp(cannabis sativa L ) or industrial, textile or agricultural hemp
This subspecies of the cannabis sativa plant is part of the cannabaceae family.
Hemp is cultivated annually for the size of its stalks
Hemp (cannabis sativa L) has a low THC or other cannabinoid content, and is sometimes referred to in certain regions as hempseed.
Hemp also refers to the plant's textile fiber, and has been used in a wide range of industrial applications, including fabrics, heat and sound insulation, construction, paper, food, cosmetics, oils and rope, hemp mulch and cat litter.
Edible hemp contains CBD what is it?
Hemp belongs to the same botanical species as cannabis
Henceforth, the term hemp is applied to the industrial plant, while cannabis is the scientific name for the psychotropic form used as a drug or medicine, depending on the legislation of different countries.
Hemp is highly regulated.
France is Europe's largest producer of hemp.
To qualify as an industrial hemp can be grown in France under several conditions.
Cultivated hemp must be one of the varieties listed in the European catalog with a THC content of less than or equal to 0.3%.
What the law says about growing hemp in France
To designate hemp
Hemp growers for industrial and non-recreational use will call it hemp, agricultural hemp or wild hemp, whereas for recreational use it is more commonly known as cannabis sativa or cannabis indica.
Various analyses show that we can distinguish 3 cannabis sub-species
Sativa like industrial hemp , (cannabis sativa L)
If you use hemp, you'll also find Indian hemp (cannabis sativa indica), better known for its psychotropic effects, and wild hemp (cannabis sativa ruderalis ). But it turns out that hemp plants have been so selected and hybridized by humans that their origins are sometimes difficult to trace.
In Neolithic Asia, hemp was one of the first plants domesticated by human hands
The history of hemp
The fibers were used to make clothes for the Chinese 600 years BC, they were used for the first bible, replacing cotton with hemp fiber, making banknotes, ropes for cars and boats.
Using hemp seeds
Hemp seed or hempseed
Used for its various nutritional properties in the form of seeds or oil, shelled hemp seed contains macronutrients based on 31% protein (including 8 amino acids), 9% carbohydrates and 49% lipids, as good for humans as for animals.
Hemp oil
The virtues of hemp
Contains 17.5% omega 3 (gamma linolenic acid and stearidonic acid), 13% monounsaturated fatty acids, 10% saturated fatty acids, 77% polyunsaturated fatty acids and 59.5% omega 6.
Hemp flour
Obtained from hemp seeds, this gluten-free flour is ideal for people with gluten intolerance.
Hemp proteins
The hemp plant is ideal
Obtained from shelled hemp seeds, it can be processed to obtain different levels of protein.
Hemp-based drinks
Like hemp lemonade or
beer, syrup, tea, milk orabsinthe
Beer, for example, where the hops are replaced by female hemp inflorescences, obviously with a low THC content.