In this section, we're going to tell you about one hydroponic system in particular, practical and popular with young indoor gardeners and professional growers alike. These are the IWS Flood and Drain systems.

What is an IWS?
Morecis intelligent Watering Systems - Flood & Drain is a hydro system with a Flexitank reservoir containing water. This water is distributed to all the pots containing the plants, which are placed on bases. It works on the principle of a tide table: irrigation is by gravity, which distributes the water and floods the bottom of each pot.
This hybrid tide table requires just one pump to fill and drain the control bucket positioned next to the Flexitank reservoir. Pump power is controlled in both tank and bucket by two magnetic float valves.
In order to prevent the pots from flooding completely, these floats also control the water level. Through the phenomenon of ebb and flow (programmable), water is evacuated through the growing medium. In this way, it efficiently delivers nutrients, while cleansing the roots of stale air and renewing it with fresh oxygen.
Discover the complete range Alien hydroponics , the leading brand of IWS systems on the market, offers a wide choice of models and sizes.
Why choose an IWS system?
IWS systems are very popular with indoor gardeners, as they are designed for quality, not quantity. What's more, these horticultural growing systems are easy to use and affordable. Indoor Discount we therefore invite you to take a brief look at IWS systems, which enable young growers to quickly become experienced horticulturists!