211 produits correspondant
Measurement and dosing
Welcome to the category dedicated to measuring and dosing instruments.
It is here that you will find a wide choice of devices, measuring and dosing tools such as:
- PH and EC testers . Very important to measure the Hydrogen Potential and Electro-Conductivity present in your nutrient so...
Welcome to the category dedicated to measuring and dosing instruments.
It is here that you will find a wide choice of devices, measuring and dosing tools such as:
- PH and EC testers. Very important to measure the Hydrogen Potential and Electro-Conductivity present in your nutrient solution in order to optimize its effect.
- Thermo-hygrometers with memories to control the temperature and humidity in your grow room.
- Precise dosing tools such as syringes, pipettes and measuring glasses.
- Sprayers for foliar treatment.
- And also luxmeters to measure the light intensity of your installation.
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